Kurtis Bright
Kurtis Bright

Kurtis is a graduate of CU - Boulder who writes about health, fitness, music, theater, and travel while living by the sea in Chile.

As long as humans have known how babies are made, we've looked for ways to prevent having them.
Most cases of obstructive urinary symptoms have benign origins, but get checked anyway.
A clinical setting isn't a big turn-on, so use our tips for getting this important job done.
Treatment options for men with erectile dysfunction and chronic pain may improve their sex life.
Egg freezing offers an amazing—but risky and complex—choice for women's reproductive plans.
Basic information and daily clues can help you understand and avoid herpes outbreaks.
A common cause of so-called dry orgasms, retrograde ejaculation can also cause fertility issues.
From medical checkups to lifestyle choices, you balls will thank you for making an effort.
Many times it's no big deal, but there may be situations where shrinkage is more serious.
Hypospadias, repaired or not, leads to numerous issues, but treatment and support are available.