Holly Ellis
Holly Ellis

Holly Ellis is a women's health blogger and novelist. In addition to educating readers about their health with Giddy, Holly's fiction writing focuses on lifting the voices of LGBTQA+ women by crafting strong female protagonists who have the courage to take charge and pursue their dreams. Her debut novel, Living with the Past, will be released this fall. In addition to women's fiction and blogging, Holly is a college writing professor and director of writing for multiple colleges. Outside of her professional work, Holly owes her success to the unwavering support of her husband and family.

'Our time's the most important thing that we don't get back, so we need to use it wisely.'
The future of medicines and technology is making this condition more manageable.
Missed rest impacts every aspect of your life, but these devices can eliminate your sleep debt.
A sleep test in a laboratory can be inconvenient, but it can accurately identify your disorder.
Dreaming is a natural part of your slumber cycle, but too much might indicate a disorder.
Losing an hour may seem inconsequential, but it can cause lasting circadian rhythm disturbances.
Trauma-based fear can cause a communication breakdown between you and your partner.
Your slumber problem could be negatively impacting your heart, so find the right treatment—now.
Treating mental health is hard enough, but assembling the best medical team can be overwhelming.
Kidney disease doesn't have to slow you down, but it does take planning.