Grace Gallagher
Grace Gallagher

Grace Gallagher is a writer living in Portland, Oregon. Her work covers reproductive health, relationships, parenting, beauty, wellness, and sometimes psychedelics. You can follow her on Twitter @gracegalla.

Find out what can cause this buildup of scar tissue and how doctors can repair the urethra.
Fat in the midsection affects vascular health, a known erectile dysfunction risk factor.
'The snip' is safe and highly effective, but like other procedures, it comes with minor risks.
Learning about this painful uterine condition will help you better support your partner.
Minimally invasive and multifaceted, this approach can be more efficient than others.
Here are five things your partner needs to hear—and five she doesn't—after giving birth.
You're not going to experience the life change, but you should have some basic knowledge of it.
Can a man feel an IUD during sex? Medical experts weigh in.
The reality of having two beaus is both easier and harder than common conception.
As one woman tells us, deciding what to do with leftover fertilized eggs is complicated.