Menopause | Living Through and After

Psychosocial stressors can impact the severity of going through the change.

Not all of these benign tumors shrink or disappear, so don't ignore the symptoms.

Breasts can get bigger with age, so don't be surprised if you go up several cup sizes.

The menopause transition can be a challenging time. It's important you're there to support her.

Urinary tract infections are more common for postmenopausal women, but there are solutions.

It's important to take care of your physical and mental health during the menopausal transition.

Nutrition and activity are keys to looking and feeling your best during this natural transition.

Oophorectomy causes rapid changes to the body, but there are ways to alleviate the discomfort.

This holistic practice could support you as you navigate physical and mental symptoms.

A shift in perspective can radically change how this life transition is experienced by women.

Postmenopausal women are at a higher risk of developing this bone-weakening disease.

About half of women older than age 50 break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis.

The seriousness of the case depends on the cause, so make an appointment with your doctor ASAP.

While the risk of cardiovascular problems increases as you age, lifestyle changes can help.

When bladder muscles start to weaken, so does our control over urination.

Getting older does not have to be the end of romance. Shed the stigma with a dose of confidence.

However, the common signs of perimenopause are similar, which can make it tricky to discern.

New research is taking a closer look at the biological factors behind common symptoms.

The U.K. government has launched an inquiry to investigate what's going wrong and how to fix it.

Focus on what’s gained as you age, instead of what’s lost, and watch what happens.

Entering the wiser years? You get to define your sexual life as you grow older.

The menopausal transition is a time of change, but you can thrive in this life stage.

As menopause comes and goes, be prepared for major, lasting changes and effects.

Support your partner during menopause in a way that fosters a healthy dynamic for both of you.

Though little known, perimenopausal depression can occur in women during a transitional time.

Menopause doesn’t mark the end of sex. These remedies can help sex stay enjoyable at any age.