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The Latest from Giddy

You want to look your best, but there are costs to getting the perfect selfie.
Children will make it known when they're no longer comfortable with their parents' nudity.
Gone are the days when sapphic films were joyously curious about sex.
Being stuck at home isn’t the miracle recipe for masturbation we may have thought.
Even for those locked up with a partner, self-love reigned during the pandemic.
Cold, hard technology is heating up—with great results.
It’s said life imitates art. If that was true of sex lives the world would be a weirder place.
From handbooks to websites, sex advice has a long history. We mapped out the timeline for you.
The viral video platform has become a space to share sexual health info, for better or worse.
Here's what you need to know about the advertisements you've seen for low-T solutions.