If you're having trouble getting ready for love, your beer belly could be the culprit.
If something isn't right, don't ignore it. This diagnostic tool can detect many conditions.
Cancer shouldn't be the first thought if your prostate-specific antigen levels are high.
This little-known condition threatens your vaginal pleasure.
The model-turned-entrepreneur opened up about her uncomfortable but common health condition.

The Latest from Giddy

New research links phthalates, a ubiquitous chemical, with larger abdominal tumors.
Doctors pan natural home remedies shrink breast lumps, but dietary changes can help.
Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment of penile friction burn.
Ignoring your general health is a quick way to create sexual and urinary issues.
Keeping prostate- and vascular-caused urinary symptoms in check may lead to better erections.
If you're having trouble getting ready for love, your beer belly could be the culprit.