In Case You Missed It

A well-known culprit in poor diets, excessive salt can also directly affect erections.

Just because 28 days is the average doesn't mean yours has to be.

Maintaining a healthy weight, lifestyle and diet are key elements to preventing this condition.

Researchers believe more awareness of risk could lead to earlier diagnosis and better outcomes.

The Latest from Giddy

It's complicated—and it may be as much of a challenge physically as it is psychologically.
Vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of complications for the baby and mom.
These cranial nerves play a role in digestion, mood and heart rate—and your sexual health, too.
Bacterial imbalance in the vagina may transmit to male partners and cause reinfection in women.
Urologist Neil Baum, M.D., provides expert advice for the partners of men with prostate cancer.
Don't let hypothyroidism get you down. Take control of your health today.
Bloated and backed up with an ache in your balls? It could be a case of referral pain.
Narrowing the gender gap and maintaining women's rights improves entire communities.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.